I am often asked “When is IT going to stop?” Ie. When will the pain, grief, confusion, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, bills, demands, housework, noise, rushing, violence, warring, greed, poverty, starvation, disease, addiction, consumerism, egotism, fame-for-fame’s-sake, stop?

The question is often asked as if the pain or challenges in their life, will stop when they get to a particular calendar date.

Here’s the thing, “IT” stops when we do. “IT” stops when we stop the fear/judgement/criticism/unforgiveness/gossip/manipulation/restrictive beliefs/whatever. If we’re not functioning from a place of inclusion, equality and equanimity, how can our communities? We are the ingredients of our communities. We are the common factors.

IT cannot stop until we do. It’s completely in our hands. When will you stop thinking, saying and doing things that benefit some and not others? Or benefit somme, at the expense of others?

“When you change yourself, you change the world”. Dr Jo